

What is Aikido?

Good morning! Good afternoon! Good evening!


I am'Aiki-Otoko. Please know after that!


I created this blog to tell you about the charm of Aikido. I hope everyone will feel the charm of Aikido as much as possible.


Now, let's talk about Aikido.


Aikido(合気道) is a modern Japanese martial art that was born by the founder Ueshiba Morihei (1883 - 1969).





According to Wikipedia, Aikido has the following meanings.

Ai(合): harmony and unifying

Ki(気): energy and spirit

Do(道): way and path



regardless of gender, people in a wide range of age groups are learning in various dojos in Japan. In addition, about 1.5 million people in the world practice Aikido.



Aikido has various techniques. Although skill with bare hands is basic, when you are promoted, you can acquire skills that can also handle weapons such as wood swords and short swords. 


At the beginning you start with basic things like 受け身(Ukemi) and how to use the body.



Aikido is generally considered self-defense. Imagine various situations such as when you hold your hand, when you hold it with one hand, when you hold it with both hands, when you hold one hand with both hands, when you hold your hand from behind, and so on. All Aikido can handle all of this!



In other words, if you master Aikido, you can easily defeat it even if you are attacked by a molester.




Aikido is an effective way to defense ourselves and keep our health. We use soft technique that doesn’t hurt the opponent. We don’t use force but technique. So anyone can feel free to start.



There are various martial arts besides Aikido. You may have seen karate or judo at the Olympics.



However, Aikido has some aspects that make it different from some other martial arts.



First, Aikido does not emphasize games. Many Aikido schools do not focus on games or have no games. This is because Aikido is self-defense and emphasizes spiritual practice.



Ultimately, mastering martial arts means training yourself. It doesn't matter if you win or lose.



Aikido has the meaning of making friends with the other person. Therefore, you should not have the feeling of winning or defeating your opponent.



If you want to understand the philosophy of mind of Aikido, you can study Japanese history and myths.



Aikido is deeply related to the book "Kojiki", which summarizes Japanese myths. I won't go into detail this time, but Ueshiba said, "Aikido is about understanding the world of God, Takamagahara." According to "Kojiki", "Takamagahara" is the world where Japanese gods live.



Someday, I will write an English article about "Kojiki". The world of "Kojiki" is wild and a little erotic.



How was that. This time I wrote what is Aikido.


I hope you are interested in Aikido even a little.



If you are interested, please spread my article on your SNS such as Twitter.



Let's meet again!


